Seiyuu ☆ 声優

Seiyuus, seiyuus and more seiyuus. There’s so much to talk about and flail over in regards to these individuals who receive such little recognition anywhere else in the world unless you’re from Japan or just have a lot of appreciation for the anime industry. For us here in Koekara, seiyuus were one of the reasons we started this website and wanted to spread the love and awareness of the amount of work that seiyuus can do in creating their characters and portraying them across the screen. Anyone who has enjoyed the realm of anime for any significant amount of time must have either a favourite seiyuu, or been able to recognise a voice or two from a previous show and we on Koekara have probably more favourites than strictly healthy and after a while, it becomes exciting to play “Name the Seiyuu” and anticipate the shows our favourites are going to be showing up in next. So while our blog obviously doesn’t play its entire focus on the wonderful world of seiyuus, they do feature quite heavily in a lot of our anime and drama cd entries and we only want to show appreciation – and exhibit a good amount of fangirling, of course – for these talented, lush-voiced men and ladies who are so not just faceless individuals.